
Affiliate  Organization that utilizes the CCF space to deliver its programs but may not be essential to achieve the Center’s mission.

Organizations that are not currently Affiliates of the CCF will need to complete an online application. After the application is reviewed, the applicant will receive an email notification of approval, denial or request for additional information.


If you are interested in volunteering at the Carver Center for Families, please complete the Volunteer Program Provider Request Form


Volunteer Waiver


For inquiries contact



At this time, only Partners and Affiliates may request flex space reservations.
Please email Nita Riggins at to request reservations.


Requests for fundraising events must be presented to
Suzy Pukys at for consideration and discussion.


CCF Flex Space Reservations


Reservations requests must be made to and approved by the CCF Director or their designee. Please submit your organization’s request for CCF common area and flex spaces to Every effort will be made to respond to your request as quickly as possible. However, please ensure that you allow ample time for the request to be processed prior to the event.


Please ensure each person in your organization who will be requesting room reservations and/or will be responsible for the event/program knows and adheres to the requirements listed below:


CCF reserves the right to refuse any group or individual’s request for a shared room if we consider that group or individual inconsistent with CCF’s purpose and values. CCF also reserves the right to inspect and monitor all functions held on the premises.


CCF is not responsible for personal items, including any items left unattended.


Familiarize yourself with the electronic equipment and ensure it is working, and that you are able to successfully connect your device, prior to your meeting. Staff will not be available to assist with issues. Connection instructions are located in the shared rooms. Lost or damaged equipment costs are the responsibility of the organization reserving the space.


When a Partner reserves a flex space, the Partner is responsible for the following:

  •  In case of emergency, call 911.
  • For time-urgent building-related issues, such as broken windows or pipes, overflowing toilets, exterior doors closing properly, etc., emergency contact numbers are posted near the shared rooms doors.
  • Do not prop open any exterior door.
  • The use of alcoholic beverages is not allowed on CCF property. CCF reserves the right to make written exceptions to this policy on a case-by-case basis.
  • Please be considerate of others in the building. Participants may be asked to leave if there is excessive noise or inappropriate conduct.
  • Drinks brought into the rooms should have lids.
  • Do not open windows or adjust the thermostat.
  • Do not attach items to the wall.
  • Tables, chairs, counters and whiteboards need to be wiped off completely.
  • Do not remove any electronic device or attachments from the room.
  • All trash must be placed in trash bags and taken to the men’s restroom, located near the main entrance.
  • Floors should be vacuumed or swept, as needed. A vacuum cleaner is located in the Flex Workspace closet.
  • Turn off the lights in rooms and bathrooms prior to leaving the building.
  • Rooms should be left clean and undamaged. If damages were incurred, they should be reported to the CCF Director immediately.
  • Room setup at departure should be as shown on the diagram.

Also note, in the event of an incident/accident in which a person is injured, property is damaged or other significant event that needs to be brought to the attention of management, please check the CCF Policies and Procedures Manual for how to proceed. An Incident/Accident Report must be completed and provided to the CCF Director as quickly as possible.


Failure to comply with the above rules may result in additional charges being assessed to you or your organization, as well as the loss of shared room privileges for future occasions.

